
Two days of Apple Cider Vinegar

Sounds delicious, eh? This was my BEST friend for two days.
Well it wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t great.
About a month ago I was talking to a co-worker (who has also lost a lot of weight and looks awesome) about how she got over her weight loss plateau (where your body stalls and doesn’t want to lose any more weight). She told me about this two day plateau breaker/detox diet and I thought I’d try it out. I was finally brave enough to go at it this past week. I started it Tuesday and on Thursday I finally was able to have REAL FOOD again.
Let me preface this first by saying that last week I actually think I may have already broken my plateau by eating pretty much raw/organic, lean meats, veggies/fruits, almonds, non-fat dairy yogurt, whole grain oatmeal, etc. Basically, I researched fat burning foods and ate all of those. I did this all of last week along with a pretty intense workout schedule and actually LOST WEIGHT AGAIN!  TWO POUNDS! So I really think that is the way to go for a more lasting diet.
According to my co-worker, the plateau breaker/detox diet just causes your body to switch itself up so it’s easier to start losing weight again. It’s a good refocusing tool for after the holidays, before swimsuit season, etc. I have tried to look this diet up online but have not found it yet so I don’t even know what it’s called…if you find anything on it, let me know.
So let me talk about my two day experience with this diet:
LOTS of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV).  This is going to be TMI but I’m going to tell you anyway. ACV did have an effect on my bowels. After every ACV encounter, I did both the #1 and the #2. That’s a lot of #1s and #2s in two days! Day 1 had way more #2s though. HAHA. Also on day 1 I went to bed super early so I wouldn’t have to think of food (sad) but I still managed to take my workout class.  I also felt like the ACV filled me up making me feel full but not bloated. I did not experience a stomach ache or any other negative side effects. You can look up the effects of ACV and how it has been used for weight loss, there are tons of articles. From what I have found:
For thousands of years, vinegar has been used for weight loss. White vinegar (and perhaps other types) might help people feel full. A 2005 study of 12 people found that those who ate a piece of bread along with small amounts of white vinegar felt fuller and more satisfied than those who just ate the bread.  
While the results of these studies are promising, they are all preliminary. Many were done on animals or on cells in a lab. The human studies have been small. Before we will truly know whether vinegar has any health benefits, much larger studies are needed.
Source: WebMD
There’s also an article at the Mayo Clinc’s website that says there’s little scientific evidence showing that it helps curb appetite and burn fat. So take what you will from both sides of the argument.
HOWEVER, I can tell you from my experience, ACV definitely cleansed me and definitely made me feel full. There were some moments between meals where I did get a hungry feeling but if you look at the diet, it’s VERY low calorie and I think without the ACV, I would have felt like I was starving.
So did I think this diet broke my plateau? It’s hard to say. I lost two pounds last week working hard at the gym and also eating very little processed food. Then I just noticed this morning I lost another pound.  So perhaps it is working but the next few weeks will really tell me. Also, I am  thinking that because I am focusing on tightening and toning by taking 4-5 one hour Body Works (weight/strength training class), I am also building muscle so perhaps I will start to gain weight or not see any weight loss at all? Regardless I am now 11 pounds from my goal weight. Those 11 pounds are going to be KILLER!
And now, here onto the detox/plateau breaker diet:
Shopping List
Mrs Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (Found only at upscale food stores like Lunds/Byerlys)
2 grapefruit
4 protein bars (I used South Beach Diet's chocolate raspberry bars)
Bag of Spinach
Fat Free dressing of your choice
1 cucumber
2 6oz portions of chicken
2 6oz portions of fish, your choice (I used tilapia)
1 cup freshly chopped parsley
2 TBSP of olive oil to be used any at time you wish (at least 1 TSP a day) - I used this on the chicken/fish
1 TSP of salt to be used at any time you wish (at least 1/2 TSP/day) - Again, I used this on the chicken/fish
Pack of Crystal Light to go (I used the tea ones)
80oz water a day

Meal Plan: (Days 1 and 2 are the exact same)
1 grapefruit
Snack 1
One Protein Bar

1 TBSP ACV w/Crystal Light (I used 17oz bottles for this)
Chicken with 1/4 cup Parsley

2 cups Spinach with 1 TBSP of fat free dressing

1 TBSP ACV mixed with the dressing
Snack 2
Cucumbers (I mixed this with the salad)

1 TBSP ACV w/Crystal Light

One Protein Bar
Fish with 1/4 cup Parsley

2 cups Spinach with 1 TBSP of fat free dressing

1 TBSP ACV mixed with the dressing

You can use oil and salt how you wish – I added them on top of the chicken and fish.
You must drink 80oz water/day (Crystal light drinks count as a portion of this water)
And a few disclaimers:
You can only do the plateau breaker diet for 2 days otherwise your body will go into an anorexic state. You must wait at least a month if you want to try it again. Also, some people’s stomachs don’t agree with the apple cider vinegar, if this is you, STOP the diet.
DO NOT drink the ACV straight – it will eat your teeth.
If any of you decide to try this, let me know how it works for you. Also, if you have any questions leave a comment in my blog!
There are a lot more exciting things going on right now that I will talk about in my next blog post. I should never neglect my blog for this long again. Too much to update about!
Have a good weekend everyone.

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